Supporting the growth of AgriBusiness SME’s in Zambia

Delivering value to buyers through increased market linkages

Contributing to increased market linkages and firm growth in AgriBusiness

MarketConnect promotes the sustainable integration of agribusiness SMEs into value chains with established end-markets and large buyers. It does this by supporting their ability to invest in productivity enhancing know-how and to meet buyer requirementsWork With MarketConnect
Our Goal
To Contribute to increased market linkages and firm growth in agribusiness by working actively to create, improve and build strong and mutually beneficial market-driven business relationships between industry buyers and SME suppliersSMEs
MarketConnect will provide tailored technical support, and matching grants to eligible agribusiness SMEs
Partner with MarketConnect to transform your supply chain
Small Medium Enterprises
Are you an SME interested in & working with MarketConnect and:
- Are committed and passionate about growing your business
- Are fully operational
- Are formally registered with PACRA
- Have recorded annual sales revenue between ZMW150,000 – 5 Million
- Have a viable business model & scalable growth plan
- Are well positioned to target national & regional Markets
- Have a value adding product that is innovative and/or transformative and I ready to sell
- Would like to access a matching grant facility for investment into your business
- Are willing to participate in a royalty (Success sharing) Scheme
SMEs who meet the initial criteria above may be eligible for multi-level support intervention that are aimed at increasing and improving operational efficiencies, productivity and governance structures. The ultimate aim is to support the business to increase revenue by accessing new markets, or increasing the size of their current market supply capacity. They will also potentially be put forward for co-investment funding under our business linkages fund, if they pass the established criteria
SMEs who meet the initial criteria above may be eligible for multi-level support intervention that are aimed at increasing and improving operational efficiencies, productivity and governance structures. The ultimate aim is to support the business to increase revenue by accessing new markets, or increasing the size of their current market supply capacity. They will also potentially be put forward for co-investment funding under our business linkages fund, if they pass the established criteria
SMEs who meet the initial criteria above may be eligible for multi-level support intervention that are aimed at increasing and improving operational efficiencies, productivity and governance structures. The ultimate aim is to support the business to increase revenue by accessing new markets, or increasing the size of their current market supply capacity. They will also potentially be put forward for co-investment funding under our business linkages fund, if they pass the established criteria

Access to higher value Zambia & International markets
Access to long term demand for goods & services
Access to technical & potentially financial assistance
Strengthened operational & managerial capacity
Increased productivity .
Ability to grow business .
Our Process
Selection and Analysis
MC Support
Potential MC Interventions

Working with Buyers and Distributors to Develop and Grow Markets for our SME Clients
MarketConnect is looking to engage with anchor companies who will be the end buyers for our SME graduate’s products and services
MarketConnect is looking to engage with buyer (Anchor) Companies who are growing & are committed to increasing their local procurement.
We welcome partners who are eager to work with us to actively support SME growth in Zambia
MarketConnect will deliver for buyers by facilitating access to tested local suppliers that allows them to improving volume, consistency and quality of local goods supplied, while lowering import and logistical costs and reducing risk through a diversified supply base
As a MarketConnect anchor firm, our buyer and distributor partners will play a key role in identifying, developing, aligning and executing assistance plans for potential SME suppliers
Become a MarketConnect Partner and work with us to develop the SMEs that you NEED to transform your supply chain
– Support in building mutually beneficial market-driven business relationships
– Access to high quality Zambian SME suppliers
– Improved and consistent volumes and quality of supply
– Decreasing import & logistics costs
– Reduced risk through a diversified supply base
– Positive brand association with local SME Suppliers
Become a MarketConnect Partner and work with us to develop the SMEs that you NEED to transform your supply chain
– Support in building mutually beneficial market-driven business relationships
– Access to high quality Zambian SME suppliers
– Improved and consistent volumes and quality of supply
– Decreasing import & logistics costs
– Reduced risk through a diversified supply base
– Positive brand association with local SME Suppliers
Become a MarketConnect Partner and work with us to develop the SMEs that you NEED to transform your supply chain
– Support in building mutually beneficial market-driven business relationships
– Access to high quality Zambian SME suppliers
– Improved and consistent volumes and quality of supply
– Decreasing import & logistics costs
– Reduced risk through a diversified supply base
– Positive brand association with local SME Suppliers
Business Linkages Fund
The Business linkage fund is the grant -making component of MarketConnect; Providing matched funding to SMEs to meet financing needs identified in their growth plans and to meet identified requirements of anchor companies

The Business Linkage fund can provide Matching Grants for:
Upgrading to meet standards requirements. .
Financing for one-time fixed investment (equipment) to improve quality, distribution and/or productivity
Alternative energy solutions. .
BLF gives SMEs a Financing solution that is affordable for their business while allowing them to scale up; enabling them to eventually be in s stronger position to access wider options for commercial credit

The MarketConnect Team
Structure and Management Led by Duniya Mupeso (CEO), the Market Team is comprised of technical and cross cutting specialists

Duniya Mupeso

Farayi Muzofa

Bayo Akindeinde

MarketConnect’s quality of service is built on the back of the dynamic and effective management of all its activities by a highly skilled team. Supporting the teams work, the wider ZATP PIU team provides strategic oversight. Nathan Associates also provides backstopping across all interventions.